There has been a lot written about fighting cancer with nutrition. As a personal chef, (Chef Gloria B) specializing in cooking for any medical condition I have had much experience cooking for those with cancer. I have worked with Nutritional healers, doctors, and other specialists in the field. There is an array of information from many different approaches with this disease. I don’t believe there is one right program; rather it is a combination of your type of cancer and body composition that will emerge as the right way of eating for you. It is also a progression from the way you are eating now to a healthier one.
There are a few common denominators that most professionals agree upon:
- No Sugar, honey, cane syrup, corn syrup, evaporated cane juice
- No artificial sweeteners: aspartame, Splenda,
- No Diary (plain yogurt is OK at certain times)
- Eliminate gluten or wheat
- Use only healthy fats (olive oil, avocados, nuts, olives, fish oil, flax seed oil, flax seed)
- Herbs: use all organic fresh herbs, such as oregano, thyme, basil, turmeric, rosemary and garlic in your cooking
- Fresh vegetables: Especially organic cruciferous vegetables such as kale, broccoli, cauliflower, bok choy, beet greens, beets Brussels sprouts, red onions, arugula, and Swiss chard. They can be cooked or juiced daily, eat in large quantities. Cruciferous vegetables contain powerful antioxidants and can reduce inflammation. They are high in Vitamin A, K, C, and dietary fiber. You can eat as much as you want of these foods.
- Polyphenols are a type of phytonutrient, which are unique compounds found in plants that fight disease. They are found in : blueberries, green tea, cinnamon, pomegranate, strawberries, raspberries, spinach, carrots, onions, shallots, sweet potatoes, pecans, almonds, asparagus, dark chocolate, cocoa powder, saffron, oregano, sesame seeds to name a few!
- Fresh wild fish such as wild salmon, wild cod, wild haddock, and halibut
- Slow cooked oatmeal (Steel cut oats)
- Eggs
- Beans (not from cans)
- No foods from cans
- Whole grains such as brown rice, quinoa, millet
- Filtered water
- Take a probiotic for friendly bacteria
- Fresh peeled turmeric and fresh ginger added to meals are powerful anti-inflammatory nutrients
When I work with clients, I incorporate these foods in their meals along with some of their other favorite foods. Many times a client will have multiple food restrictions; it is a challenge for them to eat. I conquer those challenges for my clients and make it taste delicious.
Gloria Bakst ∙ ∙ ∙ 781-598-9313